Monday, May 3, 2010

Freezing a Moment in Time... :: Augusta, GA Family Photographer

With all of our busy schedules it's easy to overlook the little things that really matter. Despite how much we try to remind ourselves what is really important, we often get distracted by work, school, the kids, and the million and a half things in between. But it's those small moments that help keep the family together, keep them bonded, happy, and add to the chapters of your lives together.

A new chapter has recently been written for my friends. Christian had just left the military and was preparing to move himself and his family back to the west coast when, surprise...he was called back to duty. It's enough to stop you in your tracks and think, "What in the world? Now what?" So, now his family will still be moving back to the west coast, but without him as he will be deployed soon for a year.

I met up with Christian, Rachael, and kids to capture some sweet moments of the four of them together, which is sometimes rare.

Children grow so quickly that it's hard to bear even when we're with them everyday, it's even harder to know they are growing and that you are missing the small moments that you hold so dear.

So, Christian, I hope these photos will be something for you to treasure while you're away, just as your family will be treasuring them as they count the days until your return. You can let your boys know that...

"If ever there is a tomorrow, when we're not together there is something you must always remember, even if we're apart I'll always be with you." - Unknown

And that you cannot wait to see their smiling faces again because...

"The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." -Thomas Jefferson


Marissa Nicole May 3, 2010 at 3:15 PM  

these are wonderful Melissa, great job!

Linda de Azevedo May 3, 2010 at 6:35 PM  

Christian is my son so this is a dear and wonderful family to me...thank you for your talent in capturing that moment in time before he leaves. Words cannot express what you have revealed in pictures. Thank you again. Linda

Pamela and Michael Sparks May 3, 2010 at 6:53 PM  

Well now I am crying. Great job! I know what it's like to be caught dead in your tracks by that type of event. Guess it brought up some crazy emotions inside me! You're pictures are beautiful.

Melissa Grooters May 3, 2010 at 8:02 PM  

Thank you all!

Linda, I'm so glad you were able to view these. I'm sure you are dealing with all sorts of emotions. You're very welcome!

Pamela, you're so sweet. Thank you! I know yall have been through a lot. You must be so glad that part of your life is over and you get your hubby back each day.


About Me:

I'm a stay at home mom to an almost four year old and twin boys on the way. I have a passion for photography and I spend any free time pursuing this passion.

I live in Augusta, GA and we'll be here for another year before moving to who knows where, but I know it'll be an adventure no matter what. I'm sure there will be plenty of photo opportunities as well :o)

Thank you for stopping by my blog and be sure to check out the website, too.


Standard Session Fee: $150

*Includes1-2 hours of shooting for up to 6 people (let me know if your immediate family is larger)

*Digital enhancements of all the photos

*Password protected gallery

**Prints purchased separately**

Contact me for session CD and/or print prices

Contact Info:

Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to set up a session!

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