Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Two things.... :: Augusta, GA Photographer

Number 1: I did it, I got myself a logo and I LOVE it! I'm so super excited about it. Marie did a fantastic job with it and I'm just so pleased. So, here it is, what do you think?

The Main Logo:

Secondary Logo:

Marie also provided me with just the daisy so I can use that however I want without my name. I am a very happy girl!

Number 2:
We're coming very close to the end of my Casting Call promotion. I've had an amazing response, better than I expected and I'm filling up quickly. You have four days, just four days to contact me if you'd like to receive the promotional rate.

Remember if you book with me by Sunday, the 28th - 9pm I will waive your $125 session fee. You will have a full standard shoot with no charge. So, shoot me an email at if you're interested.
(Your session does not have to be by the 28th, it just has to be booked by then.)

*This promotion covers the session fee only. Session CD and/or prints will be regular price.

(Contact me for pricing)

*Pictures from your session will be used on my blog and possibly future advertisements.

And I can't sign off without sharing a picture with my new and improved watermark!


Kimberly February 24, 2010 at 6:44 PM  

Love your new logo!! Your pictures are great too! If you're ever in our area, I'd love to have you take pictures of my girls. Just what you want to do on vacation, right?? :)

Jessica February 25, 2010 at 6:29 AM  


Absolutely breathtaking... Love the logo as well. Whenever you're in the NYC area please let me know. I would love to set up a photo session with you. No doubt you will be a great success. Good luck.


Pamela and Michael Sparks February 25, 2010 at 1:17 PM  

Love the logo. I want you to take pics of MB so bad.


About Me:

I'm a stay at home mom to an almost four year old and twin boys on the way. I have a passion for photography and I spend any free time pursuing this passion.

I live in Augusta, GA and we'll be here for another year before moving to who knows where, but I know it'll be an adventure no matter what. I'm sure there will be plenty of photo opportunities as well :o)

Thank you for stopping by my blog and be sure to check out the website, too.


Standard Session Fee: $150

*Includes1-2 hours of shooting for up to 6 people (let me know if your immediate family is larger)

*Digital enhancements of all the photos

*Password protected gallery

**Prints purchased separately**

Contact me for session CD and/or print prices

Contact Info:

Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to set up a session!

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